Live: Rally for Young Boy in Need of Refuah Shleima

Live at 6:30 PM: A grand Zoom rally will take place today for a speedy recovery of two-year-old shliach Shneur Zalman ben Hinda. Program will include an entertaining show by “Dr. Shnitzel.”

On Wednesday evening at 6:30pm there will be a grand Zoom rally in honor of a speedy recovery for two-year-old shliach Shneur Zalman ben Hinda.

Rabbi Shimmy Weinbaum will lead the children in saying the twelve pesukim, followed by a show with the amazing Dr. Shnitzel.

Zoom ID: 740 125 7879

Password: Moshiach

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  1. This precious baby returned his neshama on Thursday. May his family and friends be comforted over this tragic loss

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