Raised as a Christian, He Rediscovered His Roots at 87

Amidst the chaos of World War II, a young boy was adopted by a Christian family and subsequently baptized. Seventy-four years later, through hashgacha pratis, he reclaimed his Jewish heritage.

In the heart of Poland, before the ravages of World War II, an extraordinary life began for an 87-year-old man. Born to a Jewish mother, he found himself entangled in the complexities of being openly Jewish as he navigated the tumultuous times that shaped the 20th century.

Despite being born into a Jewish family, this remarkable individual adamantly proclaimed he was not Jewish. The upheaval of war cast its long shadow over his life, leading to a twist in his story. Amidst the chaos of World War II, he was adopted by a Christian family and subsequently baptized.

Seventy-four years later, an event transpired that resonated with the essence of reclaiming his heritage. At the age of 87, this individual, who had spent the majority of his life embracing a different faith, met with Rabbi Mendel Braun who helped him don Tefillin for the first time in his life with a Bar Mitzvah ceremony. A celebration, long overdue, unfolded with heartfelt warmth and joy and a Chasidic dance.


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  1. Absolutely magnificent! This is a big Yom Tov for this individual! Even more so. Our Rebbe taught us to be lamplighters! We actually light fire. Look how there are diamonds in the dust. What’s this man’s He tree name. With the yarmulka and Tefillin on, it looks as if he’s been putting on Tefillin all his life. And you know what? To Hashem it’s exactly THAT!

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