Rabbonim Issue Urgent Call for Achdus

Three Chabad rabbonim, Harav Yosef Braun of Crown Heights, Harav Yosef Hecht of Eilat, and Harav Mendel Mendel Gluckowsky of Rechovot, spoke about the urgent need for unity at a recent farbrengen in 770. A new publication transcribes their talks.

Three Chabad rabbonim, Harav Yosef Braun of Crown Heights, Harav Yosef Hecht of Eilat, and Harav Mendel Mendel Gluckowsky of Rechovot, spoke about the urgent need for unity at a recent farbrengen in 770.

The farbrengen, held on Shabbos Achdus before Shavuos, drew hundreds of Crown Heights locals and guests. The impactful speeches delivered by the Rabbonim were discussed for a long time afterwards, and now a new publication transcribes their talks.

Thank you to the office of Harav Braun for supplying Anash.org with the messages for the benefit of the wider Chabad community.

Click here to download the Rabbonim’s messages in English.
Click here to download the Rabbonim’s messages in Hebrew.


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