Rabbis Call to Join Final Hakhel Event

Watch: Rabbis Yossi Paltiel and YY Jacobson urge all Chassidim to participate in the final Hakhel event of the year, scheduled to take place Sunday evening at 770 Eastern Parkway.

Rabbis Yossi Paltiel and YY Jacobson urge all Chassidim to participate in the final Hakhel event of the year, scheduled to take place Sunday evening at 770 Eastern Parkway.

The Hakhel gathering will be held on Sunday evening, 24 Elul/ September 10, from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. Separate seating for men and women in the downstairs shul of 770. Women will enter through the ramp entrance.

Rabbi Shmuel Butman, Director of Tzach, will speak about Hakhel’s impact on each of us. Rabbi Aaron Ginsberg, shliach in Boro Park, will speak about Hakhel never ends.

Also joining the event will be Rabbi Avrohom Osdoba and Rabbi Yosef Braun, rabbonim of the Crown Heights community.

As no Hakhel is complete without the participation of the ‘taf‘, a special video presentation for children by My Maor was also played. All children will enter a chance to win a scooter, drone and seforim.

“This gathering was arranged with one thing in mind, gathering to fulfill the Rebbe’s hora’a for Shnas Hakhel,” said organizer Rabbi Mendel Gerlitzky. “We hope that in this zechus we will merit the ultimate Hakhel gathering led by our Rebbe in the Bais Hamikdash.”

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