Rabbi Yosef Chaim Abitbul, 65, AH

Rabbi Yosef Chaim Abitbul, a mashgiach in the Yeshiva Gedolah of Tzfat and an expert Sofer, passed away on Shabbos, 27 Tishrei, 5783.

Rabbi Yosef Chaim Abitbul, a mashgiach in the Yeshiva Gedolah of Tzfat and a Sofer, passed away on Shabbos, 27 Tishrei, 5783.

He was 65 years old.

Rabbi Abitbul was an expert Sofer and one of the mashgichim in the Yeshiva Gedolah of Tzfat. He was a resident of the Givat Shoshana neighborhood inTzfat.

The levaya has held on Motzei Shabbos in Tzfas.

Baruch Dayan Haemes.


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