Rabbi Wagner Joins Special Seder for his Zechus

Hundreds of Bochurim in dozens of yeshivas joined Tuesday evening for a special seder of learning in the merit of a rfuah shleima for Rabbi Akiva Wagner, Rosh Yeshivas Lubavitch in Toronto.

Rabbi Wagner, who participated in the seder sichos in Toronto Yeshiva, thanked all the bochurim and yeshivas who participated all over the world.

The program was coordinated worldwide by Menachem Wagner (SA), Mendel Wenger and Mendel Motchkin, as well as all the shluchim in each participating Yeshiva.

Yeshiva’s which were unable to participate last night, will instead be learning tonight.

Please continue to recite Tehillim and adding in davening for the recovery of Akiva Gershon ben Rochel Basya.

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