Rabbi Twerski’s Composition Sung at His Funeral

An emotional levaya was held Sunday night for Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski a”h. Per his request, those accompanying him on his final journey sang the tune Hoshioh Es Amecho which he composed over 60 years ago.

Noted psychiatrist, rabbi, and author Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski a”h was laid to rest Sunday night in Eretz Yisroel.

Rabbi Twerski requested that no eulogies be delivered at his funeral, and just to sing the song that he composed for his brother’s wedding more than sixty years ago, and was often sung at farbrengens of the Rebbe.


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Video: Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski reveals the origin of the famous Niggun הושיעה את עמך at the JRC Retreat 2014.

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  1. Rabbi Twersky did not compose the song for the wedding. It was sung at a wedding and that’s how it got out, but it was not composed for the wedding.
    You attached the video of Rabbi Twersky speaking about the nigun, and there you’ll see how it was composed!

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