Rabbi Schapiro Begins Summer Zman at Panama Yeshiva

Summer Zman at Kolel Torah Panama begins with a special visit of Harav Leibel Schapiro, Rosh Yeshiva of the Yeshiva Gedola in Miami FL, who flew down especially to lead a shiur and farbrengen in honor of 12 Tammuz. 

Summer Zman at Kolel Torah Panama begins with a special visit of Harav Leibel Schapiro (Rosh Yeshiva – Miami FL), who flew down especially to lead a Shiur and Farbrengen in honor of 12 Tammuz. 

Rabbi Schapiro, who was a chozer and worked on several volumes of Likkutei Sichos gave a Shiur on a Sicha (Vol. 14 Ekev-20 Av) where he eloquently explained one of the most challenging “Shtiklach” in Likkutei Sichos. Additionally, Rabbi Schapiro shared insights from “behind the scenes” of the work on Likkutei Sichos, and important “Klolim” in learning Sichos. 

Following the Shiur, the shluchim continued to a Farbrengen deep into the night, with Rabbi Schapiro sharing endless Zichronot by the Rebbe, Direction for Talmidim Hashluchim, and his unique experiences in Russia in connection to 12 Tammuz. 

Kolel Torah Panama is headed by Rabbi M. Shuchat under the auspices of Head Shliach and Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Ari Laine. Special thanks to the Kolel’s board of directors and all who made this visit possible.

Shiur audio:

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