Rabbi Dovber Prus, a longtime and esteemed resident of Kfar Chabad, passed away on the sixth night of Chanukah, 29 Kislev.
He was 90.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Hinda, and his children: Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak, Rabbi Aharon Zelig (Lod), Rabbi Chaim (Kfar Chabad), Rabbi Yonah (Kfar Chabad), Rabbi Menachem (Nachlas Har Chabad), and Rabbi Shneur Zalman (Kfar Chabad).
His brothers: Rabbi Zusha Gross (Bnei Brak), Rabbi Chaim Prus (Shliach in Boston), and Rabbi Yisrolik Prus (Crown Heights).
The funeral will take place tonight in Kfar Chabad.
Boruch Dayan Ha’emes
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Prus is sitting Shiva in Israel, Chaim Prus in his home in Newton MA and Yisroel Prus at his home in Crown Heights.
Please add the youngest brother, Rabbi Yisroel Prus of Crown Heights
Yosef Yitzchak (Yoshke) Prus is sitting Shiva in Israel
Chaim Prus in his home in Newton MA
Yisroel Prus at his home in Crown Heights
There is another brother, Yisroel Prus who lives in Crown Heights, Bsoros Tovos