Queens Bochurim Produce Summer Experience for Cheder Boys

During their short ‘Bein Hazmanim,’ bochurim of the Queens Mesivta take on a Chinuch Shlichus to provide talmidim of Cheder Ohr Menachem who just completed 12 months of learning, with a compact overnight experience.

The famed Queens Yeshiva is well known for amazing accomplishments in Nigle, Chassidus and fostering true devoted Chassidim. But a bit less known is their bein hazmanim program that brings together alumni and the older Shiur Daled Tmimim giving them a hands-on Chinuch Shlichus.

“Machane Moshiach,” is an overnight camp with a mission. To boost the precious Talmidim of Cheder ‘Ohr Menachem’ who have now completed 12 months of learning, with a compact overnight experience! The camp recharges, refreshes, and infuses the Talmidim with kochos for the step up this Rosh Chodesh Elul when they go up to the next grade!

This innovative program takes place at the YTTL Pocono campus, nestled in the picturesque Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. In the sweet words of a camper: “The Davening & learning in Teva (nature) is so simple but genuine!”

What sets Machane Moshiach apart is the involvement of Yeshiva of Queens alumni and older students in creating and running the program. This intergenerational approach allows for a rich exchange of knowledge, experiences, and mentorship opportunities. Younger campers benefit from the guidance of those who have walked in their shoes, while older participants gain valuable leadership skills.

Under the guidance of dedicated Queens and Cheder ‘Ohr Menachem’ staff who hand-picked the staff, they spent a Yom Iyun preparing and guiding the counselors into the delicate world of Chinuch today.

‘Machane Moshiach’ is a transformative experience, strengthening their connection with Chaveirim. All they learn comes alive here while developing stronger hiskashrus and dedication to our Yiddishkait mission that extends far beyond the summer months.

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