Quadruple Siyum Celebrated in Ohr Menachem Cheder

Kita Vov of Ohr Menachem celebrated on Wednesday a quadruple Siyum and rewards at a toy store, followed by a visit to a local sofer to learn about how Megillos are made.

Kita Vov of Ohr Menachem celebrated on Wednesday a quadruple Siyum hosted by the Menahel Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz.

The Talmidim completed with their Rebbi Rabbi Botnik Perek Hakones in Gemara and with their afternoon Rebbi Rabbi Shuchat Perokim Yud and Yud-Alef Tanya Ba’al Peh as well as the entire Sefer Shmuel in Novi!

The boys celebrated the siyum with a lavish two-course Seudas Mitzvah with Sushi and a barbecue, the boys listened in to a recording of a Sicha from the Rebbe, sang Niggunim, and heard stories.

Following the Seudas Mitzvah the boys made their way to Borough Park where they were treated to a trip to Toys4U, each Talmid received an allowance to spend on accessories for Purim. This was followed by Mincha in 770.

After Mincha, the boys were treated to yet another surprise…! As Purim is approaching the boys got to visit the office of Rabbi Liran, a Sofer Stam, to watch as he prepares megillos, the boys were also able to see Mezuzos, Sifrei Torah, and Tefilin in the making.

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