Eleven days. Elevate yourself. Elevate the world.
A revolution is taking place and it’s happening in many girls’ summer camps. Project Elevate!
The goal? In the Rebbe’s words: “Nothing is fulfilled until the action is carried out, for a person’s task is to act, to refine and elevate this world.” (3 Adar I, 5741.)
Baruch Hashem the turnout has been amazing. Beis Rivka, Bnos Menachem, Beis Chaya Mushka, Monsey, Evergreen, Mountain Lodge, Mountain Crest, Cozy Acres, Inner Circle, Mei Menuchas day camps and Camp Chomesh joined! Around 1050 campers are part of this contest!
The project is for eleven camp days. Each camper decides on a hachlata in the area of tznius that she would like to take upon herself for the next eleven camp days bli neder.
Every girl brings home a Project Elevate brochure (see below). During the contest, the girls learn at camp all about Tznius through Chassidus, Halacha, and Jewish history. They come home every day with a card that has a short דבר תורה to share. At home, they fill out the answer to the question, check off if they shared their דבר תורה at home and did their hachlata that day.
Each camper receives at the beginning of the project, a special necklace attached to a pouch, with “I’m a proud Jewish princess” written on it and a logo!
At the conclusion of the contest, all campers who filled out the answers, and checked off at least 8 out of 11 days that they shared the דבר תורה and did their hachlata, receive a free ice cream certificate card!
In the zechus of our joint effort in elevating ourselves, may we merit to see the whole world elevated with the coming of Geulah Hashleima Now!
Please join the revolution and help sponsor! You can PayPal the donation to: [email protected]
לעילוי נשמת רחל בת ישראל ולעילוי נשמת רבקה בת ר’ יוסף