Merkos 302’s Kollel Aliba D’hilchasa, with over 50 Shluchim and Anash joining since its commencement, highlights their new Rosh Kollel, HaRav Yaakov Goldstein, who has authored many English Halacha Seforim and director of halachic mega site
HaRav Yaakov Goldstein is arguably the most prolific author in the Jewish world today. While all his books are in English, the level of his writing is just as advanced as any rabbinical Hebrew sefer. The language, clarity and organization opens up his seforim to a very diverse audience. His primary focus is on halacha but his volumes cover numeros topics, including Novi and Chassidus. He is the director of
Three months ago HaRav Goldstein took up the position as Rosh Kollel of Kollel Aliba D’hilchasa. The kollel focuses on in-depth, practical halachic topics that are highly relevant to the daily life of shluchim. It follows an 8-year syllabus covering 16 fundamental sugyos in halacha. Every 6 months, participants will delve deeply into a specific topic, followed by time for chazara and an optional test. Participants who pass will receive a prestigious certificate of mastery, signed by leading Rabbonim from around the world.
(Hear a fascinating interview with HaRav Goldstein about his life and the new Kollel.)
Over 50 Shluchim and Anash have already joined the new Kollel. In their first pilot semester they completed the halachos of bikur cholim, end-of-life shallos, dinei aninus and kevura. Next week they will start the most practical sections of hilchos aveilus for shluchim and Anash to master.
Rabbi Meir Shimon Moscowitz, Regional Director of Lubavitch Chabad of Illinois, calls the kollel “the highlight of my week.” Rabbi Yoseph Fishman a Shliach in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil enjoys the very organized material and extremely informative shiurim on Sugyos of practical Halacha.
The weekly commitment includes 2-3 hours of chavrusa learning, focusing on the Shulchan Aruch and its commentaries (nosei keilim), along with two live shiurim each week from expert Rabbonim.
One unique aspect of the kollel is that all its staff are active morei hora’ah. The Sgan Rosh Kollel, HaRav Menachem Rotenberg, is a Moreh Horoah in Crown Heights. The Menahel Poel, HaRav Mendel Vaisfish is also a Moreh Horoah in Crown Heights.
After Pesach: the Kollel will be learning dini ribis and dinei Tzedakah.
For more details, visit
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