Preschoolers at LEC Florida Welcomed with Hachnasah L’Cheder 

Wrapped in their fathers’ taleisim, forty boys of the nursery and kindergarten classes at LEC in Miami, Florida, were warmly welcomed to formal Torah learning with a beautiful hachnasah l’cheder.

Wrapped in their fathers’ taleisim, forty boys of the nursery and kindergarten classes at LEC in Miami, Florida were warmly welcomed to formal Torah learning with a beautiful hachnasah l’cheder program, on Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan.

“It’s a week of beginnings,” said principal Mrs. Bina Rosenblum at the event, “we began reading from Parshas Beraishis, about the beginning of the world, and with this arainfirnish, we begin to lay the foundation of a child’s chinuch—their davening, learning, and yiras shamayim

Led by Rabbi Yaakov Roth, a veteran mechanech at LEC, the boys and their fathers went through each of the minhagim associated with an arainfirnish: They tasted honey off a laminated Alef-Bais chart, learned their first letters from the sha’ar blatt of Tanya, read the first posuk of Vayikrah and ate honey cake and an egg stamped with the traditional posuk. Then they decorated their own yarmulkas while listening to a story told by second-grade rebbe Rabbi Aaron Rabin. The event ended with spirited dancing to live music.

Mrs. Rosenblum thanked the program’s volunteer parent organizers, Mrs. Chana Fischer and Mrs. Bracha Margolin, and the event’s sponsors. “LEC really went all out to make sure our children had the perfect start to their journey of learning.”

She added, “It was comforting to have this event after the terrible attack on Israel.” Quoting from Tehillim, she said, “‘Mipi olelim v’yonkim yasadeta oz—from the mouth of babes and sucklings You have established strength.’ It’s these children, with their learning and davening, who will help us overcome our enemies and triumph over darkness.”

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