Popular Parsha Puppet Show Now Online

With the recent closure of schools and much of the learning taking place online, Rabbi Avrohom Wagshul, an educator in the Los Angeles area, began producing a weekly kid-friendly Parsha puppet show and sharing it via WhatsApp groups and email.

The show quickly grew in popularity, and many teachers began using it with their classes during zoom sessions. Rabbi Wagshul is now making it available for the greater Chabad community to enjoy for their families.

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VIDEO: Parsha Puppet Show Tazria Metzorah

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This weeks Parsha Puppet Show is dedicated in honor of the refua sheleima of my brother-in-law רפא-ל שלמה בן מרים and my nephew אריה מענדל בן חי׳ שרה as well as דוד בן שושנה and all those who need Hashem’s mercy at this time.

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