Politics Aside, Ousted Minister Makes Time for Tefillin

Even as the battle over proposed judicial reforms roiled Israel, and even after he was fired from his post as Minister of Defense, MK Yoav Gallant welcomed Chabad chassidim into his office and happily donned tefillin. 

By Anash.org reporter
Photos: Meir Alfasi

Political battles notwithstanding, there is always time for tefillin.

Over the past 48 hours, Israel has been roiled by unprecedented protests against and for proposed judicial reforms. Much of the tumult is about one man: Likud Knesset Member Yoav Gallant.

Gallant, who was serving as the Israeli Defense Minister, publicly called for a pause in the reforms, taking a public stance against Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu. In response, Netanyahu removed him from his post. Gallant’s call, and his subsequent removal, unleashed protests that dwarfed even the previous mammoth protests held around the country.

But even as all this was taking place, Gallant took the time to welcome two Chabad chassidim into his office.

Gallant, who has a long and warm relationship with Chabad during his years as respected general in the IDF and during his tenure as minister, proudly displays a picture of the Rebbe in his office. He welcomed mashpia Rabbi Fitche Ofen and his son Rabbi Menachem Ofen, shliach to the Israeli security forces.

The ousted minister donned tallis and tefillin, and recited shema yisroel. The senior Rabbi Ofen then explained to him the meaning of he mitzva according to Chassidus, and the importance of the tefillin as the “secret weapon” of the Jewish people.


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