Pesach Sheini: It’s Never Too Late

Pesach Sheni marks the day when someone who was unable to participate in the Korban Pesach in the proper time was given a second chance. Watch two clips from the Rebbe about how you can always correct and accomplish.

Pesach Sheni marks the day when someone who was unable to participate in the Korban Pesach in the proper time would fulfill the mitzvah exactly one month later.

The message of Pesach Sheini is reflected in the Hayom Yom of the day:

פֶּסַח שֵׁנִי עִנְיָנוֹ אִיז — עֶס אִיז נִיטאָ קֵיין “פאַרפאַלעֶן”, מעֶן קעֶן אַלעֶ מאָל פאַרִיכְטעֶן. אֲפִילוּ מִי שֶׁהָיָ’ טָמֵא, מִי שֶׁהָיָ’ בְּדֶרֶךְ רְחוֹקָה. אוּן אֲפִילוּ “לָכֶם”, אַז דאָס אִיז געֶוועֶן בִּרְצוֹנוֹ, פוּנדעֶסטוועֶגעֶן קעֶן מעֶן מְתַקֵּן זַיין

The message of Pesach Sheni is that “it’s never too late; one can always correct and make amends” — even one who was impure or was on a distant path. Indeed, even if he brought himself to such a state willingly,  he can nevertheless correct it.

The custom is to eat matzah on this day.

Watch two clips from the Rebbe about how you can always correct and accomplish. Listen to a playlist from Ashreinu highlighting unique moments from the Rebbe’s Pesach Sheini farbrengens and other occasions where the Rebbe learns lessons from this auspicious day.


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