Perfect Weather at Sydney’s Grand Lag BaOmer Parade

Without a cloud in sight and with music in the air, the Sydney community gathered at the iconic Bondi Beach for a Lag Baomer parade led by a marching band and hundreds of banners depicting various mitzvos.

The sky was blue without a cloud in sight. The weather was perfect for an outdoor parade, and that’s exactly what took place. The Great Lag BaOmer Parade, like in so many places around the world, took place in Sydney, Australia with great fanfare and joy.

Starting at the iconic Bondi Beach, rabbis and government representatives addressed the crowd with words of encouragement and enthusiasm. Prayers were said for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel, and children representing communities across Sydney came up on stage to lead the 12 Pesukim—12 Torah verses pioneered by the Lubavitcher Rebbe as fundamental principles for our lives.

The parade was led by a new Torah scroll dedicated in loving memory of Mrs. Rechil Levy obm, surrounded by her family.

The marching band played songs including “Napoleon’s March” and “Mimizraim Gealtonu,” especially arranged for the event. Following the band was the Lag BaOmer banner and the children of Tzivos Hashem, all organized by rank, each child wearing a colored sash representing their level. Next were hundreds of children from many schools across Sydney and their families, forming a joyous and enthusiastic column.

Hundreds of banners were carried depicting various mitzvos, encouraging onlookers and passersby to increase acts of goodness and kindness, making the world a better place and preparing for the ultimate messianic time of peace and harmony.

Thanks to the assistance of the local Waverley Council, NSW Police, CSG, volunteer marshals, and an external traffic control company, traffic was halted as the thousand-strong march crossed Campbell Parade, walked up Roscoe Street, Glenayr Avenue, crossed Blair Street, and up Warners Avenue, ending at Barracluff Park where a full carnival awaited.

Flying chairs, a giant slide, and laughing clowns were just some of the carnival rides. Face painting, balloon twisting, a gaming trailer, BBQ, live music, and much more were enjoyed by all for another three hours.

“Boruch Hashem, the parade was a resounding success. So many people shared their delight in participating and expressed the pride and joy of the children holding their banners high for all to see,” said Parade Coordinator and Chabad Youth NSW Director Rabbi Elimelech Levy.

Avremi Joseph, who managed all the moving parts, commented, “We are so grateful to the council, communal security group, and the police who helped ensure we had a phenomenal experience.” Lag BaOmer in Sydney was a day of Jewish pride and celebration—one to be remembered by many for a long time to come.

The parade was organized by Chabad Youth NSW under the auspices of Chabad NSW.

For more information, please contact Rabbi Elimelech Levy [email protected] or 0433 549 190

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