Panel Discusses Development of Rebbe’s Famous ‘Rashi Sichos’

Marking 60 years since the Rebbe started the “Rashi Sichos,” Vaad Hatmimim held a special panel for bochurim with Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi, Rabbi Michoel Aharon Seligson, Rabbi Dovid Olidort, and Rabbi Yossi Lew. A farbrengen followed for Rebbetzin Chana’s 60th yahrzeit.

In honor of the 60th anniversary of the passing of the righteous Rebbetzin Chana and the beginning of the Rebbe’s famous Rashi Sichos, the Vaad Hatmimim held a special session for the many guests who came to the Rebbe for the month of Tishrei.

The panel event featured Rabbi Shlomo Zarchi, Mashpia Roshi at the central Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva at 770, and one of the founders of the Vaad Hanachos Hatmimim, Rabbi Michoel Aharon Seligson, member of the Otzar HaChassidim editorial team and Mashpia at Oholei Torah, and Rabbi Dovid Olidort, member of the team of chozrim, and Rabbi Yossi Lew, Shliach of the Rebbe in Atlanta, Georgia.

The event was followed by a chassidisher farbrengen with Rabbi Lew.

Photos: Nehoray Edri

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