Panel Discuss The Rebbe’s Approach to Drinking Mashke

Photos: Shmulik Reinitz/

Prominent mashpi’im and shluchim discussed the Rebbe’s approach to drinking mashke and the ‘gzeirah’ not to say more than four l’chaims at a panel held on Thursday night near 770. 

By reporter

A group of prominent mashpi’im and shluchim discussed the Rebbe’s approach to drinking mashke and the ‘gzeirah’ not to say more than for l’chaims at a panel held on Thursday night.

A large crowd of bochurim attended the event, held in the Tishrei Tent near 770, despite the fact that it was announced just a short while before it began.

Addressing the event speakers were Rabbi Shlomo Cunin, head shliach to the West Coast; Rabbi Yisroel Noach Vogel, mashpia in Crown Heights; Rabbi Mendel Gordon, mashpia in Yeshiva Gedola of London; Rabbi Noam Wagner, mashpia in South Africa; and mashpia Rabbi Shimon Dexter.

Some of the topics discussed included if there a gzeirah on wine; the complaint that four lchaims don’t do anything for me; When the Rebbe canceled the gzeirah; Is mashke good or bad; the history of the gzeirah; If mashke is always a bad thing; How are there chassidishe yidden who drink more than four; How to handle peer pressure; and many other questions.

A full replay of the event can be viewed below.

VIDEO: Part 1

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VIDEO: Part 2

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VIDEO: Part 3

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