Over 15,000 boys and girls, men and women, gathered from all across the globe to unite for an unprecedented Siyum Harambam for Kids, where new and exciting learning programs where announced for the coming cycle. Plus: Raffle winners!
Even a global pandemic cannot stand in the way of the power of Torah, specifically the unity generated by thousands of children learning together.
On July 9, Shiva Asar B’Tammuz, over 15,000 boys and girls, men and women, and even young children gathered from all across the globe to unite for an unprecedented global Siyum Harambam produced by the Grand Siyum Harambam team in conjunction with Chitas for Kids.
In addition to a simultaneous live broadcast with group participation by scores of camps, and schools in Chicago, Los angeles, London and Australia, thousands of families from all 50 states and 30 countries joined the special kid-friendly program.
Hosted by Benny Friedman and Rabbi Mendel Teldon, shliach to Comack, NY, the program consisted of a special episode of Mitzvah Blvd as well as a surprise guest appearance by Rabbi Benny Hershkowitz and the Itche Kadoozy show. The 12 Pesukim were led by campers & students in the participating camps and schools and children from homes.
One of the highlights of the program was the unveiling of Operation 613, a radically new and fantastically exciting platform for learning the daily Sefer Hamitzvos!
Op613 will include a daily, interactive video that utilizes gamification technique and features the Op613 mascots or characters, a personal account for each user with a point system and leader boards.
Pre-register your children today to gain early bird entry to the program at Operation613.com.
Sponsorship opportunities are available to partner with us and make this project a reality all year long and be a part of bringing Rambam to thousands of children worldwide.
Please contact [email protected] for more information.
The focus of the event was on the special achdus that is accomplished through learning Rambam; the connection with all 613 Mitzvos, the bond forged between the tens of thousands who are learning, and of course, the hiskashrus with the Rebbe who desired that each Jew learn Rambam or Sefer Hamitzvos each day. Each participant was encouraged not only to commit to learning themselves, but to reach out to friends and inspire them to learn Rambam or Sefer Hamitzvos as well.
“Today is the day that you will be able to look back at and say I learned Rambam every day from this day onward, I connected to the Rebbe and every Yid, every single day,” said Benny Friedman.
And it worked! There were over 1900 live responses that came in through the hachlata bar on the bottom of the event screen which displayed the names of those watching from homes across the globe as they committed to learning Rambam each day. Thousands more came in throughout the day which were all entered in the grand raffles.
The hachlotos varied from committing to learn the daily sefer hamitzvos every day to learning 1 chapter a day to reaching out to a friend and include them in the great Rambam initiative.
The varied locations winners of the grand raffles give a glimpse into the wide reach of the siyum. Children from Australia, Luxembourg, London and other places around the globe won the exciting prizes, sure to encourage them to start the new cycle with vigor. A full list of winners can be found below.
VIDEO: Event Replay
Sign your child up for the very exciting ongoing Rambam study program at Operation613.com today, and get early bird entry into the program!
The event was co-sponsored by Shuly and Soochie Eizicovics.
Great gratitude goes to all those that generously participated in making this project a reality.
Please partner with us to bring the daily Rambam to thousands of children around the world!