Over 250 Fathers and Sons Learn at Chicago Cheder Melave Malka

Chicago’s Cheder Lubavitch hosted a grand melava malka for the students and their fathers, with joint learning, a delicious seuda, and a special program in honor of Eretz Yisroel.

This past Motzei Shabbos over 250 fathers and sons gathered in Cheder Lubavitch Chicago for a grand Avos Ubanim melave malka and rally in honor of the safety of Eretz Yisroel.

The fathers and sons started the evening with learning together. It was a sight to behold, a room full of joyful pairs learning together with chayus. The sound of their sweet chavrusos filled the building.

The learning was followed by a delicious seudas melave malka, which everyone partook in. At the seuda, the crowd was addressed by Rabbi Yitzchok Wolf, the dean of the school, followed by a story shared by the assistant director Rabbi Moishy Wolf.

Rabbi Yaakov Brody then led the group in tehillim in honor of the safety of everyone in Eretz Yisroel, followed by singing niggunim led by musician Yitzchok Zirkind.

The program concluded with benching and raffles, and then the highlight of the event- a grand play by the eighth grade. Everyone enjoyed and left uplifted and inspired.

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