Over 1,500 at Lag B’omer Parade in Baltimore

An incredible Lag B’Omer parade and fair under Chabad-Lubavitch of Baltimore attracted over 1,500 men, women, and children from all segments of the community, featuring an Eli Marcus concert, Cheder marching bands, and floats made by the local Yeshiva, Mesivta, Cheder boys, and Cheder girls.

On Sunday, May 26, Lag B’Omer, the Jewish community of Baltimore gathered for an incredible Lag B’Omer parade and fair. Presented by Chabad-Lubavitch of Baltimore under the leadership of Regional Director Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, and co-hosted by The Shul at the Lubavitch Center, Cheder Chabad of Baltimore, and Chabad of Park Heights, the event attracted over 1,500 men, women, and children from all segments of the community.

The event took place at Pimlico Park and Field, home of the Baltimore Terps, and commenced with a children’s rally. A full crowd was present as Torah passages were recited by children from the Sylvia Rosenblatt Hebrew School at Moses Montefiore Anshei Emunah, Friendship Circle of Baltimore, Cheder Chabad Gan, Cheder Chabad Boys School, and the Thalia Resnick Girls School at Cheder Chabad. A perek of Tehillim was recited in prayer for the safety and security of fellow Jews and soldiers in the Land of Israel by Rabbi Elchonon Lisbon. Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan delivered words of inspiration. The guest of honor, Jewish music star Eli Marcus, sang songs expressing our hope for the imminent arrival of Moshiach.

Following the rally, a parade on Northern Parkway ensued. The parade began with Yeshiva students in a vintage Cadillac and limo, dressed as clowns, followed by the Maryland Transportation Authority Police Honor Guard. Boys’ marching bands from Cheder Chabad, along with floats made by Yeshivas Lubavitch of Baltimore, Cheder Chabad Boys’ 5th grade, Thalia Resnik Girls’ School at Cheder Chabad’s 5th grade, and Mesivta Lubavitch of Baltimore, followed by numerous participants.

As the parade concluded, the crowd swelled into the thousands. The highlight of the day was an outdoor concert featuring star Eli Marcus and Zemer Orchestra. A special tribute was made to the Glen Neighborhood Association, Friends of Pimlico Park, and Cliff Slater for their instrumental work on behalf of the event. The concert was followed by a fair where children and adults enjoyed a BBQ, carnival games, bounce houses, and more.

A heartfelt thank you to the organizers: Rabbi Shmuel and Chomie Raices, Nechemia Gertner, and Rabbi Elchonon Chaikin.

Thank you to sponsors Ammi and Daniella Adame, Yonason and Devorah Adler, Talis and Sarah Brody, Avi Emunah, Yossi and Amian Kelemer, Yaakov and Rachel Levine, Ephey and Ruti Rosenbloom, Sholom and Zahava Rosenbloom, Yechezkel and Julie Schreiber, and Josh and Rikki Volosov. ,

Thank you also to volunteers: David and Andrea Scott, Adam, Dovi, and AJ Brooker, Ben Guttman, Shaina Segal, Yisrael Leib Toplin, Chaya Toplin, Nechama Bendet, the staff at Cheder Chabad, the bochurim of Mesivta Lubavitch of Baltimore, Rabbi Chezki Tenenbaum, Hatzolo, Chaveirim, Mrs. Rochel Blasenstein, Rabbi Eli and Chana Solomon, Officer Larber, and Betty Cherniak.

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