Over 100 Join Full Day of Learning at Yagdil Torah Montreal

Yagdil Torah Montreal inaugurated its first-ever full day of learning, drawing over 100 participants, held on Chof  Teves, the Rambam’s yahrzeit, January 1st on this year’s calendar.

Yagdil Torah Montreal inaugurated its first-ever full day of learning, drawing over 100 participants. The day of learning was held on Chof  Teves, the Rambam’s yahrzeit, January 1st on this year’s calendar.

The day featured renowned Scholar and lecturer Rabbi Eli Silberstein, Shliach in Ithaca, NY, who guided sessions on revolutionary Torah concepts.

The structured day started with Shachris, a light breakfast, and chavrusa learning, preparation for a shiur on “Are illegal contracts binding according to the Torah,” followed by a catered lunch. Afternoon sessions explored topics like the impact of willingness on forceful actions.

The evening concluded with a chavrusa learning session and shiur on the topic of “mesiras nefesh,” followed by a farbrengen in honor of the Rambam, leaving attendees grateful for this unique and enriching experience.

This success follows a similar 13 Teves – December 25th event, where Rabbi Chaim Brand discussed Tefilin and Mezuzos, and Rabbi Avrohom Banon explored the intricacies of Shchita.

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