Outdoor Farbrengen Begins Chof Av in Alma Ata

A grand meal and farbrengen marked the start of the events in Alma Ata for the 80th yahrtzeit of the Rebbe’s father, Harav Levi Yitzchak Schneerson. The event took place at the Chabad House in Alma Ata, not far from the Ohel.

A grand meal and farbrengen marked the start of the events in Alma Ata for the 80th yahrtzeit of the Rebbe’s father, Harav Levi Yitzchak Schneerson. The event took place at the Chabad House in Alma Ata, not far from the Ohel.

The Chof Av magbis was launched and participants lined up to donate at the local station.

To donate to the Chof Av magbis, click here.


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