Over the month of Elul, Bochurim from Crown Heights, S. Paulo, Los Angeles, Caracas, Cape Town, and other locations around the world, have joined together twice a week for a live class with Rabbi Nachman Wilhelm, Rosh Yeshiva of OnlineSmicha.com.
“The classes were informative and clear, yet stimulating and challenging at the same time” says one of the students. “It was a good start for the year, and a way of introduction to the world of Halacha”.
This week, 12 Bochurim will continue learning on the program after taking the first test on Hilchos Maacholei Akum before Sukkot. The program is scheduled to cover the three main topics of Issur Ve’heter by Gimmel Tammuz and is geared specifically for Bochurim who need the learning structure for Smicha and looking for a high level of learning.
Online Smicha, led by Rabbi Wilhelm, has already been known to many as the go-to program when it comes to working men and other individuals with a busy schedule. But unknown to many, the program has also its Bochurim program which has successfully been running now for over 5 years.
The program provides live classes that can be accessed from anywhere with a live interactive whiteboard and chat, a discussion chat on WhatsApp, charts, recorded classes and other tools which are available to the students on the program website.
Online Smicha is still welcoming new application for this year, with limited spaces available. For more information you can email admin@onlinesmicha.com