Following the passing of Rabbi Don Yoel Levy a”h, the leadership of the OK Kashrus agency has announced the appointment of a new ‘Kashrus Vaad’ that will oversee the operations of the world’s largest kashrus agency.
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Following the passing of Rabbi Don Yoel Levy a”h on Achron Shel Pesach, the leadership of the OK Kashrus agency has announced the appointment of a new ‘Kashrus Vaad’ to oversee the operations of the world’s largest kashrus agency.
The Kashrus committee will be responsible for administering, maintaining, and further establishing the kashrus standards that govern the Kashrus agency. Overseeing the established worldwide network of Rabbinic Coordinators, Mashgichim, and administrative staff.
The members of the Vaad are Rabbi Chaim Fogelman, Rabbi Kalman Weinfeld, Rabbi Sholom Ben Hendel, and Rabbi Shlomo Weinfeld. The Vaad has been tasked with ensuring the continuation of OK Kosher’s high kashrus standards and policies.
OK’s senior management team, led by Executive Manager, Rabbi Eli Lando, in cooperation with departmental managers, will continue to oversee the day-to-day operations at OK Kosher.