Ois B’Sefer Torah Ramps Up Efforts with New Publication

On Erev Shavuos 5741, the Rebbe instructed Chassidim to put everything aside and take to the streets to sign up children in the Sefer Torah. Later that day, the Israeli Air Force successfully carried out a miraculous mission by bombing the Iraqi nuclear plant.

This year marks 43 years since the Rebbe introduced the Mivtza Ois B’Sefer Torah in 5741. On Erev Shavuos that year, the Rebbe instructed Chassidim to put everything aside and take to the streets to sign up children in the Sefer Torah. Later on the same day, the Israeli Air Force successfully carried out a miraculous mission by bombing the Iraqi nuclear plant.

This year, in light of the current situation in Eretz Yisroel, the Unity Torah committee has launched new initiatives to boost activity and participation in the important Mivtza of signing up Yidden for the Sefer Torah Haklali. As the Rebbe mentioned during the Lebanon War, this campaign protects the soldiers while instilling fear in the enemy.

A weekly leaflet featuring inspirational quotes from Sichos, stories, and anecdotes to encourage involvement in enrolling individuals for a letter in the Sefer Torah Haklali, is being distributed weekly at 770 and local shuls in Crown Heights. To download the weekly leaflet, click here.

Furthermore, weekly booths are set up every Thursday night at busy locations in Boro Park and Flatbush, offering individuals from neighboring communities the opportunity to purchase a letter in the Unity Torah.

To take an active role in this Mivtza or for sponsorship opportunities, please reach out to 347-770-3737 (via WhatsApp or text). You can also join the Sefer Torah Haklali Activists WhatsApp group.

To purchase letters in the Sefer Torah, visit Unityletter.com and KidsTorah.org.

Let’s all join forces in this vital Mivtza, heeding the call of the hour, and may we merit, as the Posuk states (Daniel 12:1), “ובעת ההיא ימלט עמך כל הנמצא כתוב בספר.”


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