Oholei Torah Announces Pay Raise for All Teachers

Ahead of the new school year, Oholei Torah has announced that they will be increasing the salaries of all the teachers of the school beginning immediately.

At a farbrengen in 5738, which followed a period of steep inflation and a drastic rise in the cost of living, the Rebbe requested school administrators to raise the salaries of the teachers by at least 5% or 10%.

“As we find ourselves in an era when there are worries and troubles over making a livelihood,” the Rebbe began, “we need to make sure to lessen the worries of the teachers, at least as much as possible.”

“My suggestion and request (with all expressions that one could request) is: That starting from the coming school year (meaning already in the month of Elul), a 10% (or at least 5%) raise should be added to the salary of the teachers, counselors, Roshei Yeshiva and Mashpiim, notwithstanding the fact that they may have received a raise in the recent past.

“They should immediately be notified that all the calculations etc. are not being taken into account; rather another 10% is being added from the institution’s accounts, (no matter their situation), and G-d will certainly repay them.

“In addition to this that it will lessen their worries over livelihood, and therefore automatically increase their attention to educating the students; there is another advantage that this will emphasize and display how much we appreciate their work and dedication, and mostly that we appreciate the value of education, to the point that we don’t reckon with other difficulties and we raise their salaries (without even waiting for requests and pressure, rather in a nice way).

In accordance with the Rebbe’s request, Educational Institute Oholei Torah in Crown Heights has announced that they will be increasing the salaries of all the teachers of Oholei Torah.

“We are proud to announce that we are substantially increasing the salaries of all the mechanchim and moros of Oholei Torah,” the board said in an announcement.

“It is known that the job of a melamed and morah is the most important and respectable job. They are holding the future of our children and molding our most precious possessions. A happier and more secure teacher directly contributes towards a better student experience.”

“The Oholei Torah Board are humbled and in awe of the tremendous work of our mechanchim and mechanchos. On behalf of the parent body and the community of of Oholei Torah, we thank and show gratitude to our hardworking mechanchim and mechanchos,” they said.


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  1. The article doesn’t mention anything about raising tuition prices as a result. It seems the administration is it absorbing this cost! Very noble move. May other schools do the same.

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