NYPD to Add Patrols Following Middle East Assassinations

Residents in Crown Heights and the greater New York area will be surveilled by roaming police cars all week as an extra precaution in response to the recent assassinations of high profile terrorist leaders.

By Anash.org reporter

After the recent assassinations of Hezbollah military commander Fouad Shukur and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, the NYPD will be patrolling the streets of New York, and will be stationed outside every shul to ensure the safety of the city’s Jewish residents.

Boruch Hashem there hasn’t been any threats of violence or disruptiveness to the community, and the extra surveillance will be present as a precaution and deterrence to any possible plans of attacks or displays of anti- Semitism.

The NYPD typically increases patrols in New York’s heavily Jewish neighborhoods when events overseas the world raise fears of anger and cheap displays of retaliation. Since the violent pillage of Simchas Torah, Anti Semitic hate crimes have soared in New York and around the world.

“The NYPD will deploy additional police presence to synagogues, out of an abundance of caution,” NYPD Deputy Chief Richie Taylor told Hamodia. “The NYPD Intelligence and Counterterrorism Bureau will continue to work tirelessly to monitor developments around the world as well as in our city to ensure all communities are safe.”

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