In a last-minute effort, NCFJE was successful in arranging floats to drive through the streets of Crown Heights and bring the feeling and joy of Lag B’Omer to everyone.
In a last-minute effort, NCFJE was successful in arranging floats to drive through the streets of Crown Heights and bring the feeling and joy of Lag B’Omer to everyone.
Special thanks goes to Rabbi Chanina Sperlin and Yossi Teleshevsky for their dedicated efforts to make this a reality. Under the direction of Rabbi Shimon Hecht and Shimon Sabol of NCFJE, Yossi recruited crafty and talented bochurim and armed them with materials and 48 hours. The results are masterfully artistic displays of genuine Lubavitch Jewish themes to parade through the streets of our neighborhood with music and song.
The floats will be on the streets following the virtual celebration from 1pm-4pm. There will be a live location sent around to follow the procession – listen out for the music on the trucks! Based on guidelines by the NYPD the trucks will be staggered so as not to be on the same block at the same time.
The following rules must be adhered to or the procession will be aborted:
- No other vehicles may join the procession.
- If you are on the street, do not approach the vehicles.
- If you come outside, stay in the area in front of your house.
- The trucks will not stop, make sure to get a look when they are passing your block!