Members of the NYPD and NYC law enforcement met with Kinus Hashluchos staff to plan the security for the many shluchos and visitors for the upcoming Kinus.
The Kinus Hashluchos is less than a week away and in preparation for it, some of the Kinus Vaad members met with representatives of the NYPD and the relevant security agencies to ensure a safe and enjoyable weekend for all.
The annual women’s convention is always a concern for the NYPD, with police working closely with Kinus organizers to make sure visitors and residents are protected and safe.
At a meeting at the conference room of the Jewish Children’s Museum the group made plans for the annual 4-day event which will bring thousands of people to Crown Heights.
The Kinus is scheduled to take place on 17-22 Shevat 5780 (February 12-17, 2020), and includes a full range of programs including special visits to the Rebbe’s Ohel and the Rebbetzin’s kever, visiting 770 Eastern Parkway and concludes with a gala banquet.