A Letter from Flatbush Hatzalah:
The weather service is forecasting a heat wave for the next few days. As of now, the worst two days, will be Shabbos & Sunday. We appeal to everyone that is here in the city to stay indoors as much as possible and to keep the air conditioners running.
Should we lose power in the neighborhood and your phone lines stop working, Hatzoloh will have cars riding up and down the blocks, available to provide emergency assistance. Please look for these vehicles and flag them down.
For all critical emergencies call our regular emergency lines, however, in case of a blackout, for local heat related emergencies, Flatbush Hatzoloh will establish an emergency hotline that can be called for assistance 718-339-6672.
We have identified a limited number of cooling areas throughout the neighborhood and have set aside an ample supply of bottled drinking water.
If you have an elderly neighbor or anyone else who is dependent on electricity, please take a few minutes to check in on them.
No matter what the situation is, remember, it is of utmost importance to drink a lot and to stay well hydrated.
This is a message from Dr. Gottesman’s pediatric office.
Dear friends and patients,
The weather over the next 2-3 days is going to be dangerously hot. With the humidity the feeling outside will be at levels rarely seen in our area. These temperatures are particularly dangerous for babies and those with health problems.
I strongly encourage parents of young children to plan all activities to be indoors as much as possible. Obviously it is important to drink plenty of water. This also applies to woman who are nursing.
Infants under 6 months should only drink formula or breast milk. Pedialyte is also okay if the child seems overheated.
Please recognize signs of dehydration such lightheaded ness, nausea, and vomiting.
Check in on friends and neighbors who may be unwell or elderly.
Please stay safe and have a good shabbos and good weekend.