N’shei Chabad Newsletter Addresses Mashpia and Privacy

In the Newsletter’s latest edition, seven well known Chabad mentors advised what to do when one’s spouse objects to sensitive information being shared with a mashpia.


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A woman wrote an anonymous letter to the editors of the N’shei, asking what to do when her husband told her he felt that her speaking about him to her mashpia was a breach of his privacy. The editors submitted the woman’s letter to seven mashpi’im

Mrs. Sara Kaplan, Mrs. Sara Morozow, Mrs. Esther Piekarski, Rabbi Yosef Posner, Rabbi Gershon Schusterman, Mrs. Rivkah Slonim—

Read their varying responses in the Chof Beis Shvat issue!

The NCN High School Essay Contest, in which girls address their educators, is over and this issue showcases the winners. Hear from a girl who cannot hear chassidishe stories from her grandparents, but who relies on her teachers for guidance and inspiration. Hear from a girl who rose above an abusive past. Hear from a girl who wants to say to her teachers, “I wish you’d give me a chance.”

Read a poem by Henya Klyne about what it’s like to be a miserable woman, and what we can do about it. “That’s the most important page in the whole magazine,” said Rishe Deitsch, editor-in-chief of the N’shei Chabad Newsletter

Read a grandchild’s description of life with his chashuve grandfather who now has Alzheimer’s in the article entitled, “Hello, Rabbi Cohen! Don’t You Remember Me?”

And enjoy Sarah Karmely’s happy story of her granddaughter who became pregnant after years of secondary infertility.

Sign up now to get it in the mail on time. http://nsheichabadnewsletter.com/subscribe/

Or look for it on Kingston Avenue closer to Chof Beis Shvat.

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