Novel Campaign Promotes Sheva Mitzvos on Social Media

A unique WhatsApp group for non-Jews has been launched, providing sheva-mitzvos education to a world that needs it now more than ever, with daily guidance from Rabbi Tzvi Freeman and Mrs. Shifra Hendrie.

By reporter

With the world in its current state of confusion and turmoil, countless people are wondering where to turn to for answers. Now, more than ever, non-Jews need to be shown their role in the world, through the sheva mitzvos Bnei Noach, and told about the geula about to unfold. 

Thanks to the Rebbe’s encouragement, spreading sheva mitzvos has become the norm, but these days, going on mivtzoim is difficult. People tend to stay home more and those who do venture out are not receptive to receiving physical mivtzoim cards, for fear of catching germs.

With the best way of communication today via social media, a special WhatsApp group has been created, devoted exclusively to sheva-mitzvos education for non-Jews. Each day, a short daily dose of information and inspiration by Rabbi Tzvi Freeman is sent out, as well as a spiritually awakening shiur from Mrs. Shifra Hendrie.

The group also shares other material prepared by various shluchim that non-Jews will find meaningful and enable them to work on the sheva mitzvos over time. The forum aims to provide them with a better understanding of Hashem, the purpose of creation and their purpose in this world. 

You too can take part in this initiative, by inviting every non-Jew you know to the group. The following is the group description. Feel free to copy and paste it to your non-Jewish contacts:

To many of us the situation of the world is unsettling to say the least. We’ve been thrown for a loop we didn’t see coming. 

The world is undergoing a cosmic metamorphosis. The messianic stage is about to emerge. The turbulence is here to wake us up. Will we progress with resistance or with an awareness of the spiritual undercurrents emerging? 

Join us on a journey of discovery through secrets of the Torah how to be part of, and accelerate, this process of the birth of the new reality about to unfold; one of pure goodness for all of humanity.

Perhaps this is the final mission we have been entrusted us with, in order to finally bring the complete geula

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