New York Shluchim Host Joint Event at the Ohel

Over 300 Jews from across New York attended an event at the Ohel organized by Tzach – Lubavitch Youth Organization, headlined by speakers Rabbi Sholem Moshe Paltiel, Rabbi Dov Yonah Korn, and Rabbi Shmuel Lew.

In tribute to the Rebbe on the occasion of 30 years since Gimmel Tammuz, shluchim from across the New York metropolitan area, under the auspices of Tzach, coordinated a significant and inspiring gathering at the Ohel. The annual event saw considerable expansion this year, with shluchim bringing busloads of participants, totaling over 300 attendees. The event was also broadcast live on, where over 2,000 additional viewers participated.

The program commenced with a stirring presentation by Queens Borough President Donovan Richards Jr., a close neighbor and dedicated friend of Chabad. Richards, who lives just three blocks from the Ohel, expressed his deep admiration for the Rebbe and presented a special proclamation to the shluchim of Queens, recognizing their impactful work in the community.

Rabbi Kasriel Kastel, Program Director for Lubavitch Youth Organization for over 50 years, brought greetings from the Vaad of Tzach.

Rabbi Sholem Moshe Paltiel, the event’s dynamic emcee, expertly kept the program flowing and concluded with a powerful message titled “Where Do We Go from Here?” His words resonated deeply, inspiring attendees to continue their commitment to the Rebbe’s teachings.

Rabbi Dov Yonah Korn shared a captivating personal journey, recounting his transformation from a rebellious high school student to a successful shliach, a change he attributes to his interactions with the Rebbe. His story was a highlight, showcasing the profound influence of the Rebbe on individual lives.

Veteran shliach Rabbi Shmuel Lew from England, renowned worldwide for his work and his 50+ years of experiences with the Rebbe, delivered an inspiring talk on the importance of having a Rebbe in one’s life. He emphasized how the Rebbe helps each person realize their full potential as a Jew, creating a deep sense of personal connection and growth among the attendees.

The event concluded with refreshments. The overwhelming attendance and the enthusiastic participation of Chassidim from New Jersey, Eastern Long Island, and Westchester underscored the event’s success and the vibrant sense of community and purpose it fostered. This memorable and uplifting occasion left participants reinvigorated in their mission to spread the Rebbe’s message of Ahavas Yisroel and Torah observance.


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