New York Ice Cream Truck Bears Fake Hechsher

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An ice cream truck with a false OK symbol is circulating in New York City. Kashrus agencies warn of unauthorized symbols and coronavirus challenges.

By reporter

The OK Kashrus agency issued a Kashrus alert regarding an unauthorized use of their symbol. The alert reads:

“Please be advised that an ice cream truck (plate number 47206-MK) in and around Kew Gardens Hills, Queens, NY bears an unauthorized OK Kosher symbol on the side of the vehicle.

“OK Kosher does not certify this vendor, and does not currently certify any mobile food vendors in New York.”

Separately, OU Kosher issued an advisory not to rely on your familiarity with brands or products without verifying the presence of a kosher symbol.

“Due to COVlD-19, some companies are facing challenges producing OU certified products because of the inability to meet certain requirements. As a result, the OU may be temporarily removed from the packaging of these products.

“Rest assured that the OU will not appear on any products which do not meet OU standards.

“Consumers should NOT rely on their familiarity of brands or products without verifying the presence of a kosher symbol. This is always true when purchasing food products online, as the product displayed or description may have a kosher claim, but the product received may not have a kosher symbol or be kosher certified.”

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