Bochur Launches Platform That Teaches Gemara “Like In Yeshiva”

Yiddishkeit has been blossoming in Hungary ever since Chabad first arrived, but Mendel Hurwitz, who grew up on shlichus there, saw that Jews wanted more in-depth Torah learning. He decided to create a platform that offered just that.

By reporter

Ever since Chabad made its presence felt after communism collapsed, the Jewish community in Hungary has been growing and blossoming. The numbers of Yidden growing closer to Yiddishkeit has grown by leaps and bounds, as have the resources to support them in their journey. But a new service created by a son of local shluchim takes a new big step for providing serious in-depth Torah classes.

Growing up on shlichus in Budapest, Mendel Hurwitz was actively involved in teaching Yiddishkeit to people at all stages of life. As time passed, he noticed a gaping need in the resources available to his native-speaking Yidden.

“There are a lot of people here that start going to shul and then take Hebrew classes to learn how to read and write,” shares Mendel. “Once they master the basics, they can learn Chumash, Navi, and Chassidus. As they advance in their studies in Yiddishkeit, the attention eventually goes to Gemara and Halacha and they want to learn it like those in Yeshiva.

“There is obviously no way someone can experience the learning one experiences in yeshiva, but often they would love a platform they can read about lomdishe concepts like ‘gavra vs. cheftza‘ or even more basic concepts. This platform is one where people can read and write about different questions they have, and we will write about it.”

The new website,, contains articles on Gemara-related topics and issues, and enables people to reach out with questions. Mendel and the other writers will write up articles on the topics people have questions on and readers can then discuss the information and use it to guide them in their studies.

Many people have asked for it for a while, and earlier this year, he started working on it. It has just launched, and feedback has been pouring in – some offering to help and some saying how beneficial they found the platform.

“I have always loved teaching and writing on Gemara,” says Mendel. “The mara d’asra and head shliach, Rabbi Baruch Oberlander is a massive talmid chacham, so we hope Yiddishkeit in Hungary will continue to grow and flourish, as it has this far. So far, everyone is really excited about the new website- it’s all people are talking about.”

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