New Chassidus Mevueres Volume Covers Foundational Maamorim

Just before Sukkos, the latest volume of the acclaimed “Chassidus Mevueres” series hit the store shelves. The volume contains foundational maamorim of the Alter Rebbe chosen by mashpiim for their accessibility and fundamental concepts.

Just before Sukkos, the latest volume of the acclaimed “Chassidus Mevueres” series hit the store shelves.

The sixth volume contains foundational maamorim of the Alter Rebbe that were meticulously chosen and prepared to be accessible for students of all levels, especially beginners in the study of Chassidus.

To date, the following have been published in this series: Moadim, Shabbos Kodesh, Avodas HaTefillah, and Yemei Simcha (lifecycle celebrations). The volumes are published by Heichal Menachem of Boro Park.

The choice of the maamorim in this volume were done long ago by the mashpiim in the Tomchei Tmimim Yeshivos and were previously published in the booklet “Maamorim Melukatim m’Likutei Torah” by Kehos. The main distinction of these articles is that they are suitable for beginners in the study of Chassidus, as they elucidate its foundational principles.

The sixth volume includes a variety of discourses on key Chassidic themes such as enduring spiritual awakening, true intention in divine service, knowledge of G‑d, and the mitzvot of Torah study.

Among the highlighted maamorim are:
Adam Ki Yakriv – exploring lasting spiritual awakening,
Sos Tasis – serving G‑d with true intention,
V’yadata Hayom – the commandment to know Hashem,
V’lo Tashbis Melach – on the importance of Torah study,
VeHadarta Pnei Zaken – the mitzvah to know Torah,
Vayigash Eilav Yehuda – the value of action,
VeYishlach Yehoshua – the garments of the Soul,
Vayomer Hashem – elevation of the sparks.

The maamorim in this volume were published as booklets in the early years of the Chassidus Mevueres series. This edition involved considerable effort, and the team of scholars from the Chassidus Mevueres editorial board carefully reviewed each maamar, scrutinizing each word, adding and removing as needed – resulting in an entirely new product.

The editorial team, led by the director of Heichal Menachem, Rabbi Leibel Altien, included: Rabbi Yehoshua Blasenstein, Rabbi Yoav Lemberg, Rabbi Yitzchak Halevi Fisher, Rabbi Shlomo Kaplan, and Rabbi Yitzchak Aharon Sheinfeld.

The Rebbeim have long taught that the Tanya represents the Torah Shebiksav of Chassidus, while the maamorim of the Rebbeim are considered its Torah Shebaal Peh, offering detailed explanations and elaborations on the Tanya’s teachings. This new edition seeks to restore the grandeur of these foundational maamorim and make them accessible to all.

The volume is available in seforim stores and online here.

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  1. Sounds exciting!
    Are these maamorim already printed in other volumes of Chassidus Mevu’eres? Or are these maamorim different from what’s already been published?
    I’m asking because this detail isn’t clear from the article and I’d love to know.
    Thank you!

    1. The maamorim were printed in booklets, but not in book form.

      In addition, as the article mentions, the explanation was complete rewritten since the previous publication, making it like new.

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