The Malachovka suburb of Moscow, legendary in Chabad circles for being the home of many renowned chassidim, celebrated the completion of a new Sefer Torah in time for Shavuos.
The Malachovka suburb of Moscow, legendary in Chabad circles for being the home of many renowned chassidim, celebrated the completion of a new Sefer Torah in time for Shavuos.
The siyum was held at the Chabad House and Shul of Malachovka, headed by shliach Rabbi Moshe Tamarin.
The honor of writing the final letter was bestowed upon the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar, whose efforts led to the donation of the Torah by philanthropist Mr. Josh Nass of Washington, who emotionally greeted all the guests live from the USA.
As is customary, once the writing of all the letters was completed, the crowds danced hakafos to the lively Simchas Torah melodies. The shliach to Malachovka Rabbi Moshe Tamarin honored the guests from Moscow, as well as the shul’s local members with reciting various pesukim.
The Gabbaim expressed their appreciation to Rabbi Avraham Kashayev for his dedication in making the event such a success.
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