New Torah Sparks Joy On Norton Parkway

The Chabad community of Beaver Hills, New Haven welcomed a new Torah on Sunday with dancing in the streets, hakafos, and a celebratory seuda.

The celebration began in the home of Mr. Shmuel Aizenberg, one of the main donors of the new Sefer Torah. Several community leaders were honored with filling in the final letters, including New Haven shliach Rabbi Berl Levitin and Mr. Aizenberg.

In recent years, the Chabad community of Beaver Hills has exploded from 15 families to 100, with another 10 families expected to move down to start a kollel. Recently, they succeeded in purchasing two buildings to house the main shul and yeshiva.

The new Torah was written for a minyan that gathers each week at the “Schlounge” shul; 40 sponsors donated $70,000 for its completion. “We are growing, baruch Hashem,” Mr. Aizenberg declared as he distributed l’chaims.

After the Torah was completed, a procession went from the Aizenberg home to the shul, where the new Torah was welcomed with hakafos and a festive seuda.

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