“Treasures from the Rebbe’s Library” is a new series, featuring various unique items and Seforim from the precious collection. In this second installment, Seforim the Rebbe received for his wedding and a note they received then from the Frierdiker Rebbe are featured.
We are happy to present the second installment of “Treasures from the Rebbe’s Library” featuring various unique items and Seforim from the precious collection.
In this special video, two Seforim gifted to the Rebbe on the occasion of his wedding to the Rebbetzin on 14 Kislev 5689 / 1928 and a handwritten letter that the Frierdiker Rebbe wrote to the Rebbe and Rebbetzin for their first wedding anniversary are featured.
This video is made possible by Machne Israel Chabad Lubavitch Headquarters & the Library of Agudas Chasidei Chabad.
On Hei Teves, Machne Israel will be coordinating its annual fundraising campaign benefitting the upkeep and growth of the Rebbe’s Library.
You can pre donate at:
I saw comments on other videos, and it’s a good question…
How is Shais not wearing a gartel? a hat? while he’s handling such Holy objects…
I would think better of him and the producers of these videos.