New Safrus Program at Or Menachem Napierville

Due to demand, Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Or Menachem Napierville is reopening its famous Safrus program this year.

Due to demand, Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Or Menachem Napierville is reopening its famous Safrus program this year.

The Yeshiva is proud to have raised skilled sofrim around the world that were carefully and lovingly trained at a young age.

The Tmimim will learn from a Yirai Shamayim Sofer, after which they Iy”h get tested by the Dayan Rabbi David Banon from the Bais Din of Montreal, a close friend of the Yeshiva.

Yeshiva Or Menachem opened in 5763 by Rabbi Yehuda Meir Dahan. It is under the auspices of Tzach Montreal headed by Rabbi Berel Mochkin, and receives guidance from the experienced and veteran mechanech, Rabbi Chaim Shlomo Cohen from Montreal.

The idea of Safrus classes for the boys, fits right in with the founding goal of the Yeshiva; to cater to the learning level of each Bochur and advance him. This is combined with a chasidishe atmosphere that includes Farbrengens, Shabattons and Mivtzoim. “Thank you for bringing out the best in our son” express parents from Crown Heights.

The Yeshiva is located in the countryside, half an hour drive from Montreal, surrounded by corn fields. The large beautiful landscape has spectacular views of sunrise and sunset daily, which helps give the bochurim a tranquil atmosphere. At Or Menachem the Temimim find a positive and relaxed environment. The grounds include a Basketball court, volleyball field, zip line, farm animals, and more.

The succes is tremendous, as one student wrote: “I have so much to tell you … I changed thanks to you… I did not even realize how much you taught me things for life… I don’t think that I will ever forget you…”

Baruch Hashem, the Hanhalah and Mashpim are highly satisfied with the growth and success of the Bochurim in learning and in Yiras Shamayim.

“As this article is being published, a good group of highly motivated Shluchim have just finalized their plans to join the Yeshiva next year” says Rabbi Dahan.

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