New Ohel Erected in Lubavitch Town

The grave of the Alter Rebbe’s teacher in the town of Lubavitch was finally accorded with the proper respect with the building of an Ohel structure above it.

By reporter

The grave of the Alter Rebbe’s teacher in the town of Lubavitch was finally accorded the proper respect with the building of an Ohel structure above it.

The grave was discovered in recent years, as part of the preservation and restoration of the cemetery and holy sites in the town of Lubavitch by shliach Rabbi Gavriel Gordon.

As part of the restoration, the top layer of soil in the cemetery was removed to uncover the tens of gravestones buried underneath. One of the exciting finds was the gravestone of Harav Yissachar Ber who was the maggid of Lubavitch, a student of the Baal Shem Tov and the teacher of the Alter Rebbe in his youth. In his later years, he accepted the Alter Rebbe as his Rebbe!

Upon discovery, the gravestone, which was mostly complete and still legible, was repaired. Recently, an Ohel structure was added above the grave, according the proper respect for such a great figure.

The news of this newest addition to the town of Lubavitch was announced in the new ‘Otzros Lubavitch’ publication, where news and history from the town of Lubavitch is published.

Click here to download the newest issue.

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