New Machon Endorses List of Chosson Teachers

Following the launch of Machon Taharas Habayis under the auspices of the Badatz, the Machon has been released a list of Chosson teachers who they endorse, as well as who they will be collaborating with on various new initiatives.

Following the launch of Machon Taharas Habayis under the auspices of the Badatz, the Machon has been actively collaborating with many respected Chosson teachers on various new initiatives.

In addition to researching and setting up a high quality training program, the heads of the Machon, Rabbi Tuvia Kasimov and Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz, are working on setting up a mentoring program for new aspiring Chosson Teachers. A group of veteran Chosson Teachers have joined Machon Taharas Habayis to ensure a continued commitment to the standards of Kedusha that our community maintains and to advance the quality of the education and resources given to new Chassanim.

Along with to the training program and standards, Machon Taharas Habayis has arranged for Rabbonim of various communities will be giving periodic Shiurim, addressing the many Shaalos that Chosson Teachers are faced with.

In addition to our appreciation to the veteran Chosson Teachers who were instrumental in helping us reach this point, Rabbi Kasimov and Rabbi Yusewitz extended a special Yasher Koach to Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm for his tremendous efforts.

In a open letter to the community, the Machon updated where their efforts have led so far:

B’shaah Tova, in a joint effort to maintain a high level of Kedusha, an esteemed group of veteran Chosson Teachers in collaboration with Machon Taharas Habayis compiled common standards and joined a pact committing to our Heilige values as Yidden and Chassidim.

The Machon is honored to join forces with and proud to endorse the following chosson teachers who joined this special alliance:

➢ Rabbi Yehuda Altein – Crown Heights
➢ Rabbi Shmuel Benshimon – Postville
➢ Rabbi Yosef Cohen – Crown Heights Heb
➢ Rabbi Chanoch Cohen – Crown Heights Heb
➢ Rabbi Gamliel Dray – Crown Heights
➢ Rabbi Eliyahu Engelson – Crown Heights
➢ Rabbi Yisroel Fried – Manhattan
➢ Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Greenberg – Crown Heights
➢ Rabbi Mendy Hershkop – Crown Heights
➢ Rabbi Moshe Kesselman – Los Angeles
➢ Rabbi Schneur Kessler – New Haven
➢ Rabbi Menachem Landa – Monsey
➢ Rabbi Avrohom Hersh Levin – Morristown
➢ Rabbi Mendel Lipskier – Sherman Oaks CA
➢ Rabbi Yanky Raskin – Crown Heights
➢ Rabbi Pesach Schmerling – Far Rockaway
➢ Rabbi Eli Simpson – Cincinnati
➢ Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm – Crown Heights

In addition, we wish to express tremendous Hakoras Hatov to the group of veteran Madrichei Chassanim who made this a reality:
❖ Rabbi Yisroel Fried
❖ Rabbi Moshe Kesselman
❖ Rabbi Avrohom Hersh Levin
❖ Rabbi Mendel Lipskier
❖ Rabbi Pesach Schmerling

Email: to enroll in the upcoming ‘Chosson Training Program’


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