New House at the Ohel Serves as Home for Bochurim

Scores of bochurim will descend upon the Ohel for many annual milestones, including many Yomei Depagra, and Yomim Tovim. Vaad Hatmimim purchased a house near the Ohel, to serve as a “home at the Ohel” exclusively for bochurim.

To spend Shabbos at the Ohel is truly something special.

Many bochurim will grab any opportunity afforded them to experience it.

Scores of bochurim will descend upon the Ohel for many annual milestones, including many Yomei Depagra, and Yomim Tovim.

While the spiritual well-being of such guests is often the priority, there has never actually been a place dedicated to the accommodations of bochurim, where they can truly feel at home.

That is, until recently, when Vaad Hatmimim finalized the purchase of a house near the Ohel, to serve as a “home at the Ohel” exclusively for bochurim.

There are specific registration guidelines, through which bochurim are all but guaranteed accommodations throughout their stay.

“To be in the Daled Amos of the Rebbe, and not have to worry about where I will sleep or even keep my belongings safe, it’s really something amazing,” stated one recent guest, a bochur who spent Gimmel Tammuz near the Ohel.

Vaad Hatmimim is dedicated to the bochurim of today, and will continue to innovate new and exciting endeavors to make “Today’s Bochur” feel cared for, so they can focus on their “hiskashrus” to the Rebbe.

The house at the Ohel is just another way Vaad Hatmimim is there for “Today’s Bochur”

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  1. Mazel tov! Amazing benefit for the temimim!
    Lichura it is not right to suggest (or think) that “Scores of bochurim will descend upon the Ohel for many annual milestones, including many Yomei Depagra, and Yomim Tovim” (ch”v), achakeh lo bechol Yom shyovoi!

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