New Haven Zal Bochurim Learn Two Perokim of Gemara by Heart

After much chazara and learning through the nights, eleven bochurim from New Haven Zal completed a comprehensive 50 question written test on the first 2 perokim of Maseches Sanhedrin, a grand total of 23 daf.

After much chazara and learning through the nights, eleven bochurim from New Haven Zal, completed a comprehensive 50 question written test on the first 2 perokim of Maseches Sanhedrin, a grand total of 23 daf.

The program began after Purim when the bochurim of the advanced girsa class began to go over all the material that was learnt since Chanukah, with a trip planned for all those who make it all the way through. The program took off with the help of their Shoel Umeishev, Yosef Engel and continued successfully until all 23 daf were reviewed off by heart.

After the 50 question written test, the bochurim were then tested orally with a thorough farher by Harav Yosef Lustig, menahel and Rosh yishiva of New Haven Mesivta. All the bochurim passed with flying colors and did phenomenaly well on both tests.

Bochurim were tested are Shmuel Amar, Mendy Berger, Yechezkel Fershtman, Yossi Greenwald, Mendel Metzger, Avremie Rapoport, Avremi Sapochinsky, Shaya Skoblo, Shnay Uzvolk, Yitzi Zelenko, and Menachem Wilhelm.


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