New Halacha Course to Teach Practical Kashrus

A new halacha course by Havineini will teach the practical aspects of Issur V’heter in a clear and memorable manner. A free trial shiur is available today.

Sometimes the Halacha is at the tip of your tongue.

Or perhaps somewhere in the back of your mind. 

Maybe you have never learned it yet. 

But when you are in the moment and need Halachic guidance, you need the Halacha now.

Havineini is an online learning program delivering courses on segments of halacha in a clear, concise, and accessible way without compromising on comprehensiveness. Endorsed and supported by Beis Din Chabad of Eretz Yisroel, Havineini aims to enable Shluchim and Anash to have “Ma’aseh asher Ya’asun”– practical Halacha on the tip of their tongue.

Join Havineini.

Refresh your knowledge. Learn Halacha. Know the bottom line. Fulfill the Rebbe’s will to receive Smicha, or to enhance and refresh your previously learned smicha knowledge (12 Sivan 5745).

Some may find it challenging to carve time in their brimming schedules to sit and study. Others may have difficulty grasping the complex ideas and topics. Noticing these hindrances preventing some from getting smicha or reviewing practical Halacha, Havineini opened its virtual doors. “The vision was to create a platform where Anash can learn practical Halacha and understand its intricacies,” explains Rabbi Yitzchok Kravitzky, Director of Havineini. 

Havineini’s online program caters to Anash who want to learn Halacha with the bottom line. Currently, Havineini is a few short days away from starting the Hilchos Issur V’heter Course. This course is offered in conjunction with Beis Medrash Leshluchim, a branch of Merkos 302 providing learning opportunities for Shluchim. Spanning over 13 months, this comprehensive course includes 48 weekly sessions of live shiurim taught by Rabbi Berel Bell, Dayan at the Beis Din of Montreal and Rov of Congregation Lubavitch, Montreal.

The 2.5 hour live lessons are recorded for participants who are unable to attend a session. Program participants are granted access to a book of summaries of the Halachos, review questions, and of course, the opportunity to learn these practical halachos with a cohesive and accommodating learning group. A noteworthy feature of the Havineini program is the remarkable supplement of diagrams and depictions bringing clarity to the difficult and detailed concepts. 

The Sta”m, Issur V’heter, and Mikvah Supervisor curriculums were masterfully compiled with the guidance of prominent rabbis who have extensive experience in practical halachic rulings and in delivering halachic instruction to the general public.

In a recent meeting with the Chief Rabbi of Israel, Rabbi Dovid Lau, Rabbi Yitzchok Kravitsky shared Havineini’s objectives, vision, and skillfully crafted diagrams and course supplements. In awe of the work of Havineini, Rabbi Lau remarked, “There is no doubt that anyone who learns this, and Havineini is helping this, will come out with practical Halacha, clarity in Halacha, and clarity in Gemara.” Rabbi Lau was amazed by the organized format of each course and encouraged all those who want to learn Torah properly to participate in the Havineini program.

Learn Halacha from the comfort of your home. Join Havineini Hilchos Issur V’heter and delve into the intricacies of Halacha. 

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