New Girls Overnight Camp to Open in Florida

Due to the urgent need for summer camps out of the New York area, a new overnight camp for girls directed by Rabbi Shmuly and Chani Rothman, will open this summer on beautiful campgrounds in Orange Springs, FL.

By reporter

A new overnight camp will open this summer in Orange Springs, FL, for girls entering into 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.

The directors announced the opening on Wednesday, saying that the camp was “born out of necessity” after nearly all Chabad girls camps were forced to close for this summer.

The camp will be located on the campgrounds of Camp Shalom in Orange Springs, FL. The grounds feature many on-site amenities including a private lake, a heated swimming pool, tennis courts, a game room, a sports center and much more. 

The camp will be directed by Rabbi Shmuly and Chani Rothman, on-site directors will be Rabbi Naftali and Zissy Reinetz.

The camp will have a single session beginning Tuesday, Chof Ches Tammuz/July 20th, and end on Monday, Chof Zayin Menachem Av, August 17th.

“Camp Tof Shin Pei was born out of necessity. A growing number of campers and staff are facing the reality of not having summer plans. Iy’h Camp Tof Shin Pei will be part of the solution in providing an emotionally safe and spiritually uplifting summer for Anash girls,” the directors told

To be notified when registration opens, email Space is limited to 96 campers.

Camp Tof Shin Pei is currently accepting applications for Head Staff and counselors. Visit to apply.

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