The Chabad Early Childhood Education network announced a series of free live classes with Mrs. Devorah Krasnianski on an array of topics relevant to the current situation.
The CECE Network, a project of The Shluchim Office, announces the start of a series of free live classes given by Mrs. Devorah Krasnianski, the Network director.
Mrs. Krasnianski will cover an array of topics such as: finding opportunity amidst chaos, motivating & inspiring staff, reaching out to your alumni effectively, activities to involve grandparents over zoom, and more.
“All change and chaos has something new to be gained, the goal is not just surviving it but coming out strong on the other end,” stated Devorah. “In these classes we will explore how to find opportunity for your school to thrive through the uncertainty and make the most of difficult times.”
Join us live on Facebook every Tuesday and Thursday beginning this Thursday, April 23 at 1:30pm EST.
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